CAS received its first two orders for MABI units from IAEA
CAS received its first two orders for MABI units from IAEA
CAS received its first two orders for MABI units from IAEA
ARPANSA licence granted (F0280) for routine operation of VEGA Accelerator
ARPANSA give approval for the operation of VEGA the 1MV AMS machine
New $10M JR Bird Building B53 which houses the new CAS accelerators is now essentially complete and being used by accelerator and NEC staff
ANSTO CIC approved $38M for new CAS building ($20.4M) and two new accelerators
Budget announcement of $25M for CAS and $37M for more neutron beamlines on OPAL in Bragg
ARPANSA issues an operational licence for STAR
2MV machine with both IBA and AMS capabilities to replace the 3MV Van de Graaff